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The submission deadline for church notices is noon the Wednesday a week prior to the next Wednesday’s publication. Submissions should be emailed to metrokanawha@hdmediallc.com or mailed to Metro Kanawha, ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St., E., ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä, WV 25301. Submissions are no…

The submission deadline for Metro calendar items is noon the Wednesday prior to publication. Submissions should be emailed to metrokanawha@hdmediallc.com or mailed to Metro, ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St., E., ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä, WV 25301. Submissions are not accepted by telephone. Items…

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Succulent, saucy and expertly smoked ribs will again be sizzling in the summer air along the banks of the Kanawha River when RibFest returns to ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä tomorrow for its second year of gustatory gusto at Haddad Riverfront Park on Kanawha Boulevard, East.

The submission deadline for Metro calendar items is noon the Wednesday prior to publication. Submissions should be emailed to metrokanawha@hdmediallc.com or mailed to Metro, ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St., E., ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä, WV 25301. Submissions are not accepted by telephone. Items…

The submission deadline for church notices is noon the Wednesday a week prior to the next Wednesday’s publication. Submissions should be emailed to metrokanawha@hdmediallc.com or mailed to Metro Kanawha, ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä Gazette-Mail, 1001 Virginia St., E., ÂÒÂ×ÄÚÉä, WV 25301. Submissions are no…